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Pour over is fun, methodical, and relaxing.

"Pour over coffee is really really ridiculously delicious"
- Derek Zoolander, 2001


Here’s the Brightside quick brew guide for a v60/chemex/any other pour over brewer you can get your hands on:

1 ) Boil the Kettle. 

2 ) Insert filter paper into the Pour over cone and use hot water to thoroughly rinse the filter paper. This removes any dust or paper taste and preheats the cone. 

3 ) Grind coffee at a medium setting. The grind should resemble coarse sea salt. You can experiment with what tastes best on your grinder. 

4 ) Empty the brew vessel of the pre-heating water and place the grinds carefully into the cone.  

5 ) Place the pour over cone, on top of the brewing vessel and place it on the scale, and tare it so the scale reads 0 grams. 

6 ) Wet the coffee grinds in the cone. If you are brewing 400mls of coffee, you will have 24 grams of coffee in the cone. Your first pour will be 50ish grams of water into the centre of the coffee grinds.  

7 ) Let the coffee sit and steep for 30 seconds. It will expand and bloom as the gas is released from the coffee grinds.  

8 ) Slowly but consistently pour 1/2 of the total brew volume. Your scale would read about 200 grams after your second pour if you had a coffee dose of 24 grams.  

9 ) Slowly but consistently pour the remaining volume of the total brew. Your scale will read 400 grams at the end of your third and final pour. 

10 ) Remove filter paper and coffee grinds from brewing cone, careful not to flush any grinds down the drain. The filter paper and coffee can be composted! 

11 ) Rise the brewing cone. 


When pouring, avoid filling the brewing cone too much. Try to keep the coffee pour consistent, near the centre mass of the water. If there are dry grinds floating on the top of the brew cone, you can use a paddle to gently immerse them, or use the water pour to integrate the grinds into the brew. 

The total brew time from start of first pour to last drops should be around the 2:45 to 3:15 mark. You can use a combination of grind setting and pour rates to affect the total brewing time, so some experimentation will be required. 

how to roast coffee at home

Did you know the V60 brewer gets it's name from the 60 degree angle of the V shaped brewer?

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